I am Henny Netjes, I live in Holland.
Studied for teaching art and textile art, after that I studied at the academy of art.
Since then worked freelance as graphic designer.
and I started working as an artist.
I love nature,
non-sense things.
Things that don't seem to make make sense in the first place, but later on they do.!!!
Making seen what is unseen.
Looking with my eyes of my heart...
Childlike faith and wonder, Layers of meaning & symbolic language.
Expression, whether it is in oilpaintings, watercolours, drawings, photography, little stories or weird funny doodles.
Above all: I love God The Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit.
This is where I get my inspiration
If you are interested in my work, want to buy an art piece or have questions,
you are welcome to contact me via the contact form.